Monday, November 27, 2006

Too Fast Too Late

Loneliness is like quicksand. You don't notice you're already sinking until it's too late. The more you struggle, the faster it swallows you whole.

Until you hear nothing but deafening silence.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Daily Attendance

I want to escape. To sleep and lapse into a coma, then wake up 10 years later.

I just want time to pass me by.

To be absent from life.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Amoebas and Higher Life Forms

It's ironic how Human Resource personnel are tasked to find and recruit the best candidates for any given job.

It's like asking a dog to choose its owner.

Sigh. Is there even ONE "qualified" HR person in the world today???

Monday, November 20, 2006

My Chemical Romance

Somebody told me that Prozac is now available OTC (Over The Counter). Is it really??

I don't know which is worse...the fact that it's now readily available without a prescription or the fact that I wanna try it.

Yeah! Yeah! Me wanna wanna!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Rationalize It

If I kill a person with a hunting knife, I wonder if guilt would play any role while I'm stabbing him?

Or would I just be focused on the tactile sensations of a very sharp knife plunging through soft skin and flesh? The warmth of fresh thick blood oozing onto your own skin. Covering you like a comforting blanket.

Monday, November 13, 2006

In Memoriam

How do you know when you have Alzheimer's?

At 31, I'm starting to forget a lot of things, people, and places. Like clumps of memories fading into thin air.

You know it's up there but you just can't access it.

I wonder when that day would come. The day when the lights go out in my head.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pathetic Fools

Weak people deserve everything they're getting. In a world where the strong flourish and those who fight win, the weak shall be trampled on and thrown aside.

If you are weak, you deserve to lose.

If you are weak, you deserve all the suffering.

If you are weak, you deserve to die.

Can It

I wonder why my best blog ideas come when I'm inside the four walls of a toilet cubicle.

Maybe I should rename this blog to: "Potty Thoughts. Thoughts from the Can."

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Light Years

I wonder where our consciousness goes when we fade into the veil of slumber?

Do we wake up somewhere in an alternate universe? Do we travel to the past? Or maybe travel into the future?

When our lightbulbs go out here, do we turn on another lightbulb somewhere else?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Rib Eye

A weak character really ticks me off. Why oh why did God make such weak creatures???